DAVID BOOTH MRSS  Member of the Royal Society of Sculptors   

                                                                                                         Associate Member of Castlefield Gallery, Manchester

Ceramic | David Booth MRSS Fine Artist

I can create bespoke dinner service using ceramic transfers of my original designs. Please contact if you would like to own your own unique set. Below are some of my sculptural ceramics.

I am currently working with clayworks in southport, experimenting and looking at creating hand drawn ceramic textures, I had previously towards the end of covid been with Baltic Clay which I enjoyed but needed to find a place closer to home. I am enjoying clay and continuing to develop ways of looking. As I develop and find my way with the material and process I will look at ways I can increase the scale of my ceramic work.

I was selected for two residencies at Spode in 2011 and 2012 by arts organisation Rednile. These residencies were during the Ceramics Biennial and inspired me to learn about clay. Both Spode Residencies  were linked to the Factory Night at the historic Wedgwood Institute supported by Rednile projects and British Ceramics Biennial. The residencies were unique commissions each for a collaborative residency for three artists - Sun Ae Kim (ceramic artist), Holly Corfield-Carr (writer) and David Booth (sculptor). It was fantastic to be immersed in a space, exploring and reacting t the site to create new work. You can see some of my work from the residencies below.

For more information on Factory Nights see www.rednile.org

and for more information on British Ceramics Biennial

see www.britishceramicsbiennial.com

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